Meals That Make You Hungry
It's not just low blood sugar but also rapidly falling blood sugar that triggers a powerful hunger signal. In 16 studies, 15 of them found that meals that raise blood sugar quickly resulted in feeling hungrier before the next meal. For example, in a study of 65 women, those whose meals were designed to keep blood sugar stable reported feeling less intense hunger and less desire to eat, especially during the afternoon.
These kinds of meals increase levels of leptin, a hormone that decreases hunger (and boosts fat burning) and lowers levels of ghrelin, a hormone that increases hunger. The women who ate blood sugar-boosting meals reported that they felt hungrier sooner.
In many studies, people who ate such meals also ate more at the next meal. In a study of overweight teenage boys, the boys ate 500 more calories within 5 hours after eating blood sugar-boosting breakfasts and lunches than they did when they ate meals that were kinder to their blood sugar. In other studies, the differences were more modest, about 150 calories.
Still, eating even 100 extra calories a day may mean the difference between losing weight and gaining it.
Now, you can lose weight on any diet that cuts calories. But losing is only half the battle -- and often, it's the easiest part. Sticking to a healthy eating plan that lets you keep the weight off is the hard part. Eating plenty of Magic foods is a key solution.
When you eat a meal that really bumps up your blood sugar, your body pumps out lots of insulin to bring it down, as you've just learned. But it also stops burning fat for fuel so it can use up the blood sugar instead. Your belly (or butt or thighs) pays the price. People whose diets boost blood sugar the most tend to have more body fat, especially around the abdomen, the most dangerous place for it to accumulate.
Getting off the blood sugar rollercoaster can make losing that spare tire a lot easier. In studies involving everyone from obese men to pregnant women to children, a blood sugar–stabilizing diet led to more body fat loss (or, in the case of the pregnant women, less body fat gain during the pregnancy). In a cruel twist of fate, a diet that causes your blood sugar to spike and dive may even slow your metabolism. Compared to a diet that keeps blood sugar levels stable, it reduces the rate at which you burn calories when you're sitting still. In a study of 39 overweight men and women, the difference worked out to about 80 extra calories burned each day. That's an extra pound (0.5 kg) lost about every six weeks, or more than 8 pounds (3.5 kg) a year. The more overweight you are, the greater the difference may be.
출처 : http://www.rd.com/living-healthy/why-blood-sugar-matters/article36369-1.html
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역시 먹는 것이 중요하다. 주로 다이어트하면 포만감을 주는 음식을 생각하는데,
여기에서는 그보다 혈당을 올리는 음식을 먹으면 먹을 수록, 많이 먹어서 혈당이 올라갈 수록 인슐린이 더 많이 나와서 혈당이 낮아지고 오히려 배고픔을 더 빨리 느끼게 되어 많이 먹게 되는 역설을 이야기했다.
그리고 먹는 것을 줄이면 빨리 효과를 볼 수는 있겠지만 오히려 그럴 수록 우리 몸의 대사가 느려지기 때문에 나중에는 별로 효과가 없다.(이게 그 무시무시한 요요효과)
역시 건강하게 빼려면 혈당을 쉽게 높이는 칼로리 높은 음식들은 줄이고 몸이 필요할 정도로 넉넉하게 먹으면서 운동을 해야 한다. (아, 어렵다.)
여기에서는 그보다 혈당을 올리는 음식을 먹으면 먹을 수록, 많이 먹어서 혈당이 올라갈 수록 인슐린이 더 많이 나와서 혈당이 낮아지고 오히려 배고픔을 더 빨리 느끼게 되어 많이 먹게 되는 역설을 이야기했다.
그리고 먹는 것을 줄이면 빨리 효과를 볼 수는 있겠지만 오히려 그럴 수록 우리 몸의 대사가 느려지기 때문에 나중에는 별로 효과가 없다.(이게 그 무시무시한 요요효과)
역시 건강하게 빼려면 혈당을 쉽게 높이는 칼로리 높은 음식들은 줄이고 몸이 필요할 정도로 넉넉하게 먹으면서 운동을 해야 한다. (아, 어렵다.)
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